5 Simple Tips for Taking Care of Trees in Your Yard at Home

With US cities losing 36 million trees each year, the need for homeowners to plant trees (that will survive into maturity) becomes more and more critical.

While most people are well-meaning and want to add a tree or two to the world, they might not necessarily be well-versed in the care of trees.

If this describes you, here are some quick tips to help you grow some strong, healthy trees along with tree care des Moines.

1. Allow Your Trees Some Space

Some people cannot resist the temptation to erect structures near or around a tree. Unfortunately, you might end up damaging your prized tree.

By constructing too close to your tree, you risk damaging its roots as well as utilizing the space it requires to grow out. The roots of a tree need two to three times the length of its branches to support a tree adequately.

Demarcate this area as a no go zone for any type of construction or parking spot.

2. Mulching

While it’s true that your trees do not require much tending from you to thrive, it’s not harmful to give a helping hand.

Mulching is one thing you can do. It helps protect the tree against both overwatering and over fertilization.

To do this properly, put 2 to 3 inches of mulch, an inch or two from the base of the tree trunk. Ensure to change the mulch occasionally.

3.Taking Proper Care of Trees: Pruning

Tree pruning is something you should do much less often than mulching, and only when necessary.

You might want to prune your tree to slow down its growth. This happens because the tree has to heal the chopped limb before resuming growth. If you want your tree to enjoy rapid growth, avoid pruning it unnecessarily.

However, if it has some diseased, dead or cracked limbs, or has branches growing from the base of the tree, prune this immediately to prevent further damage.

If your trees are too tall, are next to utilities, or you are unsure about how to go about the pruning, you can bring in a RI Tree Service Company to handle the pruning professionally.

4. Find out Your Trees Optimal Growth Conditions

If you plant your trees at the wrong place, they will struggle to reach maturity.
An arborist can give you vital information relating to which trees would do best in your location.

Similarly, they can inform you of the diseases they are prone to and their watering requirements.

5. Don’t Overwater or Over Fertilize

While newly planted tree care is more involving, mature trees can fend for themselves nutrition wise.

In fact, too much water and garden herbicide applications can damage a tree. The most common ways to over-fertilize a tree include:

  • Overusing fertilizers with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
  • Opting for fast release rather than time release fertilizers

If the area around your tree is always wet, you might be overwatering your tree. Another indicator is if new growth around your tree withers out or turns yellowish before it’s fully grown.

When trees are overwatered, they struggle to breathe because the water takes over the air pockets the tree had.

As a result, the tree gets more water and inadequate oxygen. This can lead to root rot, fungi or long term tree stress.

Going Green

With these tips for better care of trees, you will be able to plant and care for trees into maturity and get to enjoy all the benefits that come with them.

Do you love greenery, but lack enough space for full-grown trees? Check out our blog for some awesome landscaping ideas in small spaces.