Hairline lowering is a clinical outpatient procedure that is generally performed by using a combination of local anesthetic and twilight anesthesia. The procedure commences with a surgeon marking the predicted post-procedure hairline. The excess skin between the anticipated and present hairlines is clinically excises and the hair-bearing scalp is progressed to the new hairline. The scalp is then placed in the new location and secured by utilizing dissolvable bone tunnels or bone anchors in your skull. The procedure is finished off with incisions being closed with two layers of sutures. In addition, hair grafting procedures such as FUE hair transplants can be used in conjunction with hairline lowering surgery Australia, for changing the shape of your hairline. For instance, your hairline can be shifted forward, and extra hair can be added to the sides to offer a more rounded appearance.
Will There Be Scarring?
While scarring can be expected from having the procedure, an experienced surgeon can minimize the prominence. Numerous incisions which are made during such a procedure can be slightly done behind the future hairline, permitting them to be covered with the hair. The incisions are not done in straight lines, but usually V- or S-shaped curves that helps to break them up and conceal them. Incisions can also be made in such a way to assist hair with regrowth in front and through the scar, further hiding scar visibility.
How Long Does Such A Procedure Take?
While every procedure varies, hairline lowering procedures can typically last between two to three hours.
What Make You A Good Candidate For Hairline Lowering Surgery?
Women and men who have high hairlines or a large forehead, but otherwise thick hair, and not familial background of hair loss, are excellent candidates for this procedure. Scalp laxity is highly essential for a successful outcome to forehead reduction procedures. During the pre-op consultation, a comprehensive pitch test will be done to decide whether you are suitable for the surgery.
What Are Possible Risks Of This Surgery?
A collection of blood below the scalp, or hematoma, is the most regular complication with a five percent risk incidence. Infection is not a regular occurrence. Antibiotics are administered intraoperatively and might also be prescribed for a week after surgery. Numbness of your scalp from the incision towards the vertex can be expected and often settles, however for some patients it can take an entire year. In rare cases, the numbness will be permanent. In some cases, the scar is somewhat visible and might be camouflaged further by follicular hair transplants into it.
What Can Be Expected After A Hairline Lowering Procedure?
Many patients feel some pain that can be regulated with prescribed pain meds. Slight swelling along the scalp, forehead, eye and cheek areas is commonplace. The swelling goes down after a few days and eventually subsides after two weeks. Bruising can be expected but will go away without medical intervention after ten days. Patients can resume light activity and can resume work after seven days from the procedure, using a loose-fitting hat or scarf to cover the area. Sutures that were inserted in the hairline can be removed after a week. Hair thinning of the entire scalp may occur after surgery for about three months. After three to six months the hair starts growing over and in front of the incision, making the scarring imperceptible.