Create, Inspire and Thrive!

We live in challenging times. It has turned many of our lives upside down. The way we did things in the past is changing. We must adapt. This change does not need not be painful. Change can be wonderful when you get creative and make healthier and smarter choices in business and relationships.

Did you know that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts in a day? What can you do with all these thoughts?

Ways to inspire creativity

Grab a pen and paper and jot down some ideas

Get rid of mental clutter

Think outside of the box

Focus on something original

Don’t overthink

Get off the computer and go for a walk

Find some jokes and laugh

Listen to stimulating music like classical or jazz

Write by hand


Many of us are thinking about our families, our future, and during these unprecedented times, it is normal to overthink. We need to declutter our minds. Overthinking things can lead to anxiety, depression, and illness.

Creativity can reduce depression by focusing your mind on doing crafts like writing, painting, cooking, drawing and so much more. Something simple like laughing will change your mood. Studies show that getting involved in activities releases dopamine, which is a natural anti-depressant.

I work for a busy law firm in Manhattan and I don’t have time to cook. I always order take out. Plus, I admit I really can’t cook, but my partner Jenny does. She is in culinary school. Now we have all this time together, she is checking out creative recipes for both of us to explore. We found the site for Monin products at They have creative recipes for cocktails, mocktails, shakes, smoothies, and teas.

Looking at things with a fresh perspective and thinking outside of the box will allow your brain to create and explore unknown things that may benefit you. For instance, you can start by making healthier food choices. Check out some new exciting recipes online. It will amaze you at what delicious options you can create with easy ingredients that you may have in your pantry right now.

When this mandatory isolation began, my partner, Jennie, and I were on each other’s nerves. Normally, we just see each other in the morning and then we go our separate ways. It got so bad that I felt like throwing her off the balcony. I would never do that, I love her. But it was exhausting, and we were both feeling anxious about the future.

Once things calmed down, we did some research and found a very inspirational website about working at home and staying fit while being at home. Even doing a few moderate exercises each day helped with our mental state. It also helped to burn off some calories from all the delicious food Jennie was making for us.

We have maintained some normalcy through all this. I am working at home and doing Zoom meetings with my law firm. Jennie was so inspired by the new recipes she found, that she started her recipe book and plans to get it published. What a brilliant way to invest in creativity.

Using what you have and just tweaking it a bit creatively can produce amazing results. Look at Einstein. One of the best-known creators in history. He had a well-developed analytical mind for mathematics, but he also had a sharp right brain with remarkable creative energy that allowed him to be innovative and discover alternative possibilities by thinking outside the box.

It was his curiosity and a voracious appetite that propelled him to discover, explore, and to create the impossible.

These amazing discoveries that created music, works of art, literature, and business happened because they got in touch with their creative instinct. Not saying that you will be the next Einstein, but you can create and possibly begin a new enterprise that will be profitable.

Writing things down on paper helps to connect with our brains. Writing your goals down is very important. It also helps to clear your mind. If you have an outstanding idea or a joke, then write it down and you will see many possibilities grow from your creative mind.

Here is a quote from Einstein, “In my experience, the best creative work is never done when one is unhappy.”

Jennie and I have ideally created ways to make the boring, every day staying inside work for us. Get creative and see how the magic happens. All this creativity is making me thirsty. I think it’s time for a cocktail!