How To Get Granny Flat Approvals Faster?

Granny flat is self – contained accommodation inside, attached, or separate to a property. A Councillor certifier has the right to certify granny flats as confirmed development without the requirement of a DA, provided they satisfy the standards in the SEPP 2009. There are two ways to get granny flat approvals and granny flat builders can guide you in this matter – 

  1. Through traditional development application process through the local council.
  2. A private certifier can approve the development through CDC, if it meets all the requirements of the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP, 2009. 

How To Lodge An Application?

To lodge an application for granny flat as confirmed development, it is needed to complete the councils approved (CDC) application form. Using this process of approval, the granny flat can be approved in nearly 20 days. If the Granny flat doesn’t satisfy the requirements for CD, a complete development application will be needed to be lodged with the local council. 

Development Applications (DA)

If it does not satisfy all the objectives given in the ARHS, this doesn’t mean that you can’t construct a granny flat. Still, you may go for a DA to the local council for the approval. This is a longer and more expensive process than a CDC application, but most of the councils are accepting today granny flats and are approving a development if it meets most of the objectives. Councils have the authority to permit flight deviations from the ARHS in certain cases. 

Some councillors have their own guidelines and rules regarding granny flat development. So in some cases, you may be eligible to construct a little larger dwelling, reduce the setback, or increase the height of a building. All these situations are always at the discretion of your local Council. Granny flat builders are able to lodge and receive approval through most Councils and to assist you with your next project. 

Complying Development Certificates (CDC)

In 2009 the NSW state government introduced the affordable rental housing  SEPP, to increase the number of secondary dwellings by making the approval process simple. To achieve this target, they made a list of specific criteria to be made for each dwelling and if the design meets these criteria, then a private certifier may approve the development within 14 days of lodgement, without any requirement to lodge a DA to the local Council. 

Link To The Policy

In the policy are covered items like property sizes, floor areas, building heights, lot widths, setbacks, landscaping ratios and a lot of other requirements which the property must comply with, to get approval through a CDC. Private rectifiers have to abide by the rules of the ARHS, and cannot change any of the controls. Any variation to the controls will need a DA. 

For instance, the policy states that the property must be at least 12 metres wide if the block is less than 900 square metre. If the property is 11.99 m wide, then it cannot be approved by a private certifier and it has to be lodged as a DA. 


Granny flats provide an affordable housing solution and popular options of development so hire the right builder for your benefits who have complete knowledge of the legal regulations and the approvals required so that he guides you properly and provides all the necessary information regarding the granny flat construction.