How to Make False Eyelashes Look Natural?

False eyelashes are no longer confined to your engagement or wedding day. Whether working in the office or shopping around, women are wearing them everywhere.

It is a perfect alternative to all of your lash problems and can make your eyes stand out.

But are you sure if you are wearing your falsies, the right way? Paris Eyelash Academy has the key to uplift your lash-wearing is to make it look as real and beautiful as your natural lashes.

If you are finding it hard to make your falsies look natural, follow these 5 tips and make your eyes pop:

Choose the right lash

Eyes are unique and require a different set of rules and products.

Consider your skin tone and face shape to choose the best false lashes  that complement your overall look and features.

Avoid using extensively long and outrageously loud lashes if you have small eyes.  

Custom the size of false lashes

Eyes have different sizes and so as the false lashes.

Most false lashes are longer than the normal person’s natural lash line. 

So, before applying, measure the false lashes against your lash line and custom the size of your falsies as per the length of your eyes.

Trim the excessive part. This will ensure your falsies won’t be swinging off the outer edge of your eyes and do not look unnatural. 

Apply lash glue well

Excessive application of lash glue on its band can be messy and make your eyes look weird. 

So, its recommended to 

  • use eyelash tweezers to hold the lash strip 
  • dab on a small volume of lash glue on the band
  • let the glue dry slightly and then apply falsie to your natural lash line 

The above steps will make sure that the lash strip looks natural without slipping around and leaving glue spots on the eyelids.

Blend your natural and fake lashes

As you are sure that your lashes are in the right position, blend your natural and false lashes.

Steps to consider are:

  • Press and hold your natural and false eyelashes together so that the glue dries properly
  • Curl your natural and false eyelashes together 
  • Apply mascara to your false and natural lashes at the same time

Use liquid liner 

Applying liquid liner on your waterline will hide the lash band and will give the appearance of fuller lashes.

This will also seamlessly merge your falsies with the rest of your eye makeup, giving you a natural cat-eye look.

All it requires is a little bit of practice to perfect your eyeliner technique.

In the end…

Nothing draws more attention to the eyes than long and flirty lashes.

Applying false lashes perfectly is not as tough as seems. However to put on a falsies pair with immaculate accuracy and precision requires practice. 

We hope these tips will help you ace your lashing game.