Instagram Marketing Basics in 2021 – Where to Focus more Energy

Instagram is at its peak, which is generating interest among brands and entrepreneurs. Every year, more marketers are transferring ad budgets from other social networks to Instagram. The reasons for choosing a site are obvious: detailed customization of targeted advertising, a growing target audience, a convenient publication format. As well as the Shopping Tags section, where you can display and pay for goods without leaving the application. As demand grows, the number of specialists of various levels who are ready to take on account promotion is also growing. 

Instagram marketing: where to start

  • Check out the product or service you want to sell.

  • Collect a portrait of your target audience and potential customer buyers. To do this, answer two questions: “Who is the buyer?”, “Why does he need your product?”

  • After drawing up a portrait of the target audience, find her pains – the needs that your product will cover. To do this, conduct research on forums and in discussions on pages in social networks.

  • Think about your content strategy, plan, and visual design for your account.

  • The next step is selling a product or service.

  • After the start of sales, conduct targeted analytics: record successful indicators and work through negative ones.

  • After receiving new statistics, regularly adjust the portraits of clients, their pains and needs.

  • Segment your audience. Analyze the main and additional decision factors for each audience segment, and, depending on their needs, select the appropriate content. This is called a content micro-funnel.

Before making a decision, the client goes through several stages, which are called the hunting ladder:

  1. Indifference. A person does not feel a need for a product, for him the problem does not yet exist. This is a cold customer who is not looking for anything and has no desire to buy anything.
  2. Awareness. It is characterized by the presence of a need and the search for its satisfaction. A person learns about a new pain for himself and begins to look for ways to solve it. Such a client is called warm.
  3. Comparison. At this stage, a person compares ways to satisfy his needs, looking for the best option.
  4. Choice. The client has collected the most suitable options for satisfying the need. At the stages of selection and comparison, a person determines for himself the main and additional factors of decision-making. At these stages, the customer is called hot.
  5. Purchase. The final stage. Depending on the “warmth”, compose a portrait for each species. Create and describe a character that suits each type of customer. 

To do this, fill out the checklist for the following points:

  • Customer needs
  • Audience features
  • Interests
  • Gender and Age
  • Place of work
  • Place of residence: country and region
  • Earnings
  • Key decision factors
  • Additional factors
  • Possible objections
  • Sample offer

The decision ladder also applies to Instagram content. To get started, warm up potential customers with basic articles and introductory posts about the product. Create a user manual for using a product or service. Over time, complicate the content, try new formats. Alternate content for advanced and newbies, as the development of your account will add new subscribers who do not know anything about you. In “difficult” posts, make references to past, simpler posts. This way the new user will quickly get acquainted with the product or brand, and the old one will be interested in the content. A content strategy is perfect for a B2B audience and warms up potential customers at all stages of decision making, pushing them to the next step.