Lowell Farms Opens America’s First Marijuana Restaurant

Lowell Farms has an interesting history. William “Bull” Lowell established it in 1909. He grew marijuana on this farm in Central California, specifically Indian Hemp. A local politician, Henry J. Finger, didn’t like this as he felt the wrong kind of people smoked pot. He worked to outlaw marijuana and, in 1913, had the Poison Act passed that prohibited it from being grown.

Bull felt that every man had the right to smoke marijuana if he chose to. He ignored Fingers and his Poison Act. He ended up getting his farm shut down and being tossed in jail. Now that marijuana is legal in California, like in many other states, the Lowell Farms tradition has been revived. It started growing weed again in 2017.

It grows organic marijuana. It’s a family operated farm that uses organic fertilizer and never uses synthetic pesticides. Their marijuana is of high quality and natural. Everyone that works at this farm is paid a fair wage. It sells several varieties of joints. Among these are Hell’s Fire, The Dreamers Indica, The Party Sativa, Jack Skellington, and The Happy Hybrid. Each of these is packaged in sustainable materials. They also sell cold-pressed cannabis oil.

An upscale brand, it targets Coachella participants. They have a “NotChilla” product that is exclusively available to customers who pre-order it at the Palm Springs Safe Access dispensary. Another of their upscale products is “Cannabis Bouquet,” which has as its ingredients marijuana and eucalyptus. They had a timed product, “Eight Nights of Chanukah,” that offered a different variety of strain for each night of Winter 2018.

They recently opened the first cannabis restaurant in the United States. It is located in West Hollywood and is named Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Café. Director Kevin Brady gave an inside look into this café in an interview so people know what to expect. He started by saying that the West Hollywood Business License Commission unanimously approved their business license.

He revealed that the famous chef Andrea Drummer is one of the driving forces behind this restaurant. She is the head chef and has crafted the food that will be served. She had her own business in which she hosted companies and private events around the nation serving CBD and THC infused recipes. Andrea Drummer has designed a menu that is first-of-its-kind. The restaurant offers a farm-to-table experience with both marijuana and other ingredients.

Kevin Brady said that at Lowell Farms and its partner farms everything is grown organically and naturally. This spirit is reflected at the restaurant in both its menu and atmosphere. It has a modern look with both indoor and outdoor areas. Both areas feature lush foliage and natural materials. Local artists did the finish work. Everything on the menu is from a farm in California.

There is a Tableside Flower Service for people that want to pay for this upscale experience. They will be personally attended to by a Flower Host who will answer all questions about the menu, the different strains of pot, what effect they have on people, and where they originate. The Flower Hosts are skilled at rolling the perfect joint for guests. Later on, other premium options will include things such as special bongs and dabs.

Kevin Brady finished the interview by stating that everyone at Lowell Farms and the Lowell Farms Cafe restaurant is very proud to introduce America’s first marijuana restaurant. He sees this as an educational opportunity and something that promotes responsible consumption of marijuana. They are currently focused on the West Hollywood location but may open restaurants in other locations down the road.