Getting new windows provides many benefits, from updating the look of your home to improved energy efficiency. But choosing new windows involves many different decisions, which also means there are a lot of chances to make mistakes.
Mistakes can be made for a variety of reasons, from not doing research to rushing the decision. A lot of the mistake’s homeowners tend to make are actually very common, so it’s helpful to know what they are and understand why they occur to avoid making the same ones.
We’ve rounded up the top mistakes that are made when selecting new windows. Read on to learn about them and how to avoid them.
Being Overly Concerned with Price
There’s no getting around it; windows are expensive. Even if you find a deal or a sale, new windows are sure to put a dent in your bank account. However, rather than looking at them as an expense, it’s best to look at them as an investment. When homeowners properly select their windows and have them made and installed by professional custom window companies in London, they can last for decades.
Making decisions with an eye to cut costs often leads to regret later on. When windows are made of quality materials and energy efficient options are chosen, you can even end up seeing savings on energy bills. Conversely, if you cut corners and end up with ineffective or poorly installed windows, it could affect the price of your home should you decide to sell.
Being Too Focused on Aesthetics
When choosing new windows, it’s easy to get swept up in how they’ll look. Figuring out the best style and color to complement both the interior and exterior of your home is part of the excitement. Many homeowners get so excited about this part that they forget to consider other factors.
For example, there’s a lot of interest in the cottage-core aesthetic, and for good reason. Wood is a stunning material, especially in windows. But that beauty doesn’t just happen. Wood windows need to be maintained to keep their lustre and beauty.
If you’re someone who enjoys working around the house, then it might not feel like a chore to keep them maintained, but if you’re more of a low-maintenance type of person, it’s probably best to choose a material that requires less attention, like vinyl or clad windows.
Sticking with the Same
If you need new windows, you might be tempted to just stick with the same style, material and color. It can be especially tempting once you realize how many decisions you have to make. But as windows are a long-term investment, it’s always best to evaluate your preferences.
Quality windows generally only need to be replaced every 15-25 years, and a lot can change in that time. Whether you picked your current windows or they were already there when you moved in, it’s worth considering what your style preferences are now and explore different options. Sure, you might end up with a similar style after all, but it’s worth it to look.
Do your research, take your time and avoid making these common mistakes to successfully navigate the window buying process.