Simple Ways to Make Your Home and Garden Greener

Living greener is so much better and there are plenty of ways to incorporate this into your home and garden. From a compost pile to your food choices, it’s never been easier to adapt to a greener, healthier lifestyle. Follow the following tips to ensure the way you live your life is a little more wholesome. Check out here more tips about the home and garden care.

Create a Compost Pile

Many people hear about compost piles and assume you have to be a budding gardener in order to have one, but that really isn’t the case. To kick start your compost pile, all you need is a compost box like these, or perhaps a tarpaulin sheet if you’d prefer, some soil and some manure. Alongside this, you can add almost anything waste wise such as paper, cotton, wool, teabags and fabric to your compost pile! It’s so easy and quick to do but has a great impact on the earth.

Shop Local

Not only is supporting your local independents really important for the community, but you often find that they have the very best produce. From vegetables to fruit, your local shops will get their produce from local farmers, so you’re helping in more ways than one. You also know that by shopping local, not only will you receive the very best produce, but the quality and taste will be next to none too.

Use Your Bike

Whilst many people like to say they walk as much as they can, it’s never really enough. We’re all so guilty of jumping in the car and going half a mile down the road, so why not swap the car for your bike on those shorter journeys? Not only does riding a bike help you to keep in good shape and get your exercise in, but it’s also extremely good for the environment. With so many cars on the road, every little helps, so it’s really beneficial to turn to your bike for the odd journey each week. Once you’ve got into the habit, you’ll be amazed how much easier it is to cycle to your destination, especially if it’s only a short journey.

Grow Some Trees

Having plenty of trees in your garden is extremely good for the environment. Not only do trees look great and help add a little privacy to your garden, but they also provide enough oxygen for four people (that’s larger trees). You also find that trees absorb harmful gases, which helps to create a healthier, fresh environment within your garden. You don’t need lots of space to plant trees, you just need to be cautious of which ones are going to work best in certain areas. If you’re unsure, do a little research before you actually plant anything, to ensure you’re making the best decision for the space you have.