Over the past years, hair grooming tools have become an integral part of every man’s grooming kit. Today, grooming products come in handy in the market and you can always choose from a variety of clippers ranging from corded to cordless, manual to electric. Whatever you choose, you need to keep your hair in good shape.
While clippers have been advanced, you will find those that are easy to use as they auto sharpen. This means that as you oil and use your clipper, you do not need to pause to change the blades. The clipper can easily sharpen itself for uninterrupted shaving sessions. Even so, your clippers need the best maintenance as it is the case with many other advanced grooming tools in the market. Often, a clipper may become uneven due to improper oiling or as a result of hair that tugs itself on the blades.
Therefore, to keep your clipper cutting clean and efficiently, it is imperative to give it the best maintenance. Here are important tips to help you keep your clipper in the best working condition.
Keep it clean
It is essential that you keep your hair clipper clean at all times. In this case, get rid of all the hairs and dirt that could easily clog in between the blades. Often, the clippers come with two blades including the outer and bigger blade that is stationary as well as inner and smaller blade which is removable. Therefore, clean the blades by removing the blade for cleaning. Take care of the screws for easy reassembling.
Clean out all the visible hair and dirt particles. You can always use a clean brush to get rid of any stuck hair in between the blade. If the particles are stubborn, consider using a wire brush to clean.
Use a blade wash to clean off any visible rust. This can be done by using a cotton wool soaked in the wash to clean it or by simply dipping the blade in a container with the wash. The blade wash contains alcohol that acts as a disinfectant. After cleaning, pat dry the blade with a clean towel.
Always sharpen the clippers
It is wise to keep the clippers sharpened for a clean shave. Use a whetstone from your nearest home improvement or beauty store. It has a grit surface and whenever you place the blade on it and move forward at an angle of 45 degrees back and forth, it sharpens it. You can sharpen the blade and the edges for those clean shaves.
Learn how to reassemble well
After cleaning and sharpening your blades, it is wise that you reassemble well. This will keep the clipper in a good working condition for a clean cut and enhanced safety. Most importantly, tighten the screws to avoid any loose ends that could cause serious harm to you and damage to your blade.
Use the best lubrication oil
Always keep your clippers oiled. Today, lubrication oils come in handy in the market. For this reason, purchase the right oil to keep the clipper lubricated and to prevent wear and tear. Similarly, lubricating the clipper helps to prevent overheating as you shave your hair. Most importantly, keep an oiling or lubricating routine where you should oil your clippers after every three operations.
Keep the clipper in a good working condition
When cutting your hair with the clipper, it is important that you keep it in a good working condition. You can first test the clippers before cutting hair by switching it on and allowing it to run for a couple of minutes. This will help you to test the clipper and to further sharpen the blades for good and smooth rubbing as you cut.
Benefits of using a well-maintained clipper
A well-maintained clipper is soft on the skin and you can get the closest shave effortlessly. This means that you can comfortably use the clipper even with wet hair.
It allows you to get a great look because, with sharp blades and a lubricated clipper, you can easily target even the tiniest hairs. It also removes even the toughest and stubborn hair as it keeps sharpening itself. Remember if the clipper doesn’t have any hair trapped or dirt trapped inside, it can easily sharpen itself even when in operation.
A well-maintained clipper also gets the job done within the shortest time possible. Based on the type of your hair and the style you want, you can easily achieve your grooming goals if your clipper is in the best working condition.
It also enhances your safety. If dirt and hair are trapped in a clipper, it can easily stop working thus harming your skin as you shave. However, when it’s clean, it runs smooth as it cuts as desired while enhancing your safety.
Therefore, when you have a clipper for your daily grooming, ensure to keep it in the best condition. You also save a lot when you invest and keep your hair clippers in the best working condition. This is because you reduce repair costs and you won’t have to replace your clippers often.