Fitness is associated with a healthy lifestyle. People who are willing to sacrifice and train hard to reach their goals. This is not directly aligned with cannabis. Users of cannabis are often depicted as lazy and slow, the typical ‘stoner’ stereotype. Would it be possible to combine the fitness lifestyle with the use of cannabis? We went out to explore just that. In this article, you will read about our conclusions.
Smoking is harmful to you
This is the first reason it is not a ‘match made in heaven’. When you smoke cannabis, you burn it and then inhale it through the lungs. This not only brings in the cannabis but also byproducts such as tar. Besides that, it is combined with tobacco in most cases, making it even more harmful. When you want to stay healthy and have a limited impact on your condition, smoking cannabis is not good for you.
There is hope: vaping
A relatively new phenomenon might be here to shake things up. A vaporizer is a relatively new device that can be used to consume cannabis. This device is not burning the cannabis but is heating it until a certain temperature. Once the temperature is reached, the cannabis will decarbonize and the smoke can be inhaled. This is a healthier consumption method and does not bring in any tar. If you want to stay on the healthy side and want to combine it with cannabis, a vaporizer might just be what you need.
Types of vaporizer on the market
The market for vaporizers has exploded since their introduction. Broadly speaking, there are now two types of vaporizers. The first type is the most technologically advanced: the vaporizer for usage at home. These have sophisticated temperature regulations, making sure the cannabis is heated to the right temperature. Another option you can consider is the to-go vaporizer. This version is less sophisticated but can do the trick. You can easily carry it with you and use it wherever you go. If you want to combine it with fitness, we do recommend not to use it in the gym though.
Be conscious of your muscle recovery process
When you have had an intense work-out, you need to recover your muscles. When consuming cannabis, your muscles will relax and your body will slow down. This can impact the recovery process. Besides that, you have the chance of getting the munchies. Meaning you will crave any type of (fast) food and eat your way through it. Not particularly good for your diet and recovery process.
If you choose cannabis, make sure to grind it
If you do want to move forward and combine fitness with cannabis, make sure to use a good weed grinder. Before you consume cannabis you need to grind it. This means that the flowers will be crushed so that it is easy to distribute and heat it.